Thursday, June 7, 2007

East Coast Farewell Tour: NYC

I have a week left and I’m ready to go. The people in Manhattan seem to think there is only one place on the planet worth living: Manhattan. DC might be acceptable, but it’ll never measure up to New York. Utah blows their mind. The question is always the same – even in DC, “Are you Mormon?” “No.” It’s clear that I must be crazy. And they had me thinking that too for a bit. What have I done? I have no clue. “You’ll have to drive.” I know. I suggested to one guy that life was about what you take from it. It takes talent and effort to get the most out of it, but it is everywhere. No, he said. It’s all about location. We’ll see.

You should see the cute Victorian I want for $450 a month. $450 a month on a park right. I could walk to work after all. Do you know what that would cost in the East Village? But it’s not the East Village. No. Check out that pic at the top of this page and then talk to me about location. We’ll see.

I’m still worried about my move. Am I going to be able to build a life I want? But it now longer seems clear to me that the city is the place to be. I think New York put me over the edge. It’s a drug and I’m always hungover there. This weekend I’m saying my farewell to DC. It’s been a long affair.


TucsonLizzie said...

You're choosing something amazing. Living in a city amongst so many people is exciting, but it's living on your own that really lets you know what kind of person you are.

georgia said...

Quite honestly, we city dwellers are just convincing ourselves that we couldn't live anywhere but. However, the happiest people you meet are always the ones with lots of nature and space around them. You'll be fine. Besides, hoedowns are way more rowdy than any DC/Manhattan night!

"And when the bed gets full we can sleep in the hay (hey)
We’re from the country and we like it that way"

Emily Hunter said...

I am COMPLETELY convinced that you are doing something WONDERFUL with your life. You have taken one giant leap in the right direction. (You won't know for certain, of course, that you're definitely going in the right direction until you get there, but what's the use in pondering that while you're on the move?) Way to go, Whit.

I've got a question... Guess who's awesome?