Work's been going quite well. I've been keeping busy there, settling in or hanging out with my family. I haven't made much effort at meeting new friends yet. I haven't much felt the need to. There was finding a new place, moving, unpacking, equiping the new place, the new job, family boating/horseback riding trip. It seems like when I get a break, I'm happy to be alone.
I was thinking to myself that this coming weekend might be the first weekend when I am really going to want to go find some friends. But then I remembered Harry Potter arrives on Saturday. I think I have a date with a book and my new couch. Tomorrow I'll have to do Harry Potter prep (i.e. make sure I have supplies to not leave the couch for a day and a half). Come on Logan post office, don't let me down.

Can we please get pics posted of your new furniture and apartment? I'd love to see it all :)
Oh, and this weekend I'm starting to read Harry...from book 1 thru 7...and I'm taking Alli to Old Town because they are turning King Street into Daigon Alley (or whatever that fun/creepy street is in the books)...wish you were here for it!!! Going for Dementer's Kiss ice cream tomorrow too...miss you
King Street = Diagon Alley!!! I can't believe I'm not there.
I'll try to post some pics. Last time I did, I went over board and it crashed.
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