Sunday, December 28, 2008
Word of the Day: Rental Rodent
Usage: You can't seriously be going to Park City this today, the mountain will be overrun with rental rodents.
Confession: I've never heard this before, but thought it still might be a fun word of the day. We don't have so many rental rodents at Beaver. You're more likely to have a tike zoom past you on his/her older siblings' gear.
Yule Log!! December's Daring Baker's Challenge
The challenge it to make a log that includes ALL 6 of these elements
1) Dacquoise Biscuit
2) Mousse
3) Ganache Insert
4) Praline (Crisp) Insert
5) Creme Brulee Insert
6) Icing
The hosts have made all sorts of recommendations for using different flavors for the layers. I may have to make two so I can try out my favorites. I'm thinking of making one following the hostesses' first choice flavors and one with alternative flavors, leaning toward the tropical.
1. Almond Dacquoise Biscuit
2. Dark Chocolate Mousse
3. Dark Chocolate Ganache
4. Praline Feuillete
5.Vanilla Creme Brulee
6. Dark Chocolate Icing
1.Coconut Dacquoise Biscuit
2. Mango Mousse
3.Dark Chocoalate Ganache
4. Coconut Crisp
5. Chocolate Creme Brulee
6. Dark Chocolate Icing
This month, I am not going to make the mistake of trying to write the entire blog in 15 minutes sitting in a friend's kitchen. I throghoughly enjoyed last month's and I'm not sure if that came across. This months' looks like quite the challenge. So many parts! Luckily I have family coming at the end of the month, so I'll have someone to share it with.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Ruby Pipeline
I attended a Cache County Council meeting several months ago in which a representative from a local government in Wyoming gave advice to our County Council members on making decisions regarding the pipeline. The major message of this gentleman was that the county could position itself to gain from the pipeline, but that it would have to be well organized to do so. The impression I was left with was that the pipeline company could be quite forceful. If the county isn't careful, we could end up with a pipeline that served no one but the citizens of California and Oregon. If the pipeline company is able to get federal approval for a route and a private landowner along the route will not sell, it will be able to use federal laws to condemn the land.
It seems that the Cache Cache route was considered after several obstacles arose for a route through Idaho. The reasons cited at the Council meeting for considering the Cache route were a prohibition of locating the pipeline too close to (within eyesight of) the Oregon trail and cost savings. The BLM doesn't want the pipeline going through national forest with out road access as would happen on the northern route. Additionally, it sounds like there are many pipelines in a cooridor along the norther route, so it may be getting a bit crowded.
The original reasons cited for the "no" vote on the pipeline were environmental impacts and a disrespect for the private landowners. The reason for the reversal seems to be that no one spoke against the pipeline in an October public hearing. If you've ever had to follow an issue through the county council, you'll know how difficult it is to find out whether your issue is going to be on the agenda. The agendas are not published in advance. The most recent agenda published on the website is currently from September. You basically have to subscribe to the Herald Journal where I assume they publish at least the public hearings. Or you can call every two weeks on the day of the meeting and ask what's on the agenda.
I do hope the county saw to resident's concerns regarding preservation of the national forest, private landowner rights, and reduced natural gas expense for the area before reversing their decision. But I am skeptical that this has occured. The minutes from the December 2nd County Council meeting don't reveal much.
The proposed route is through the Cache National Forest, southwest of Hardware Ranch, North of Porcupine Reservoir, near Avon, then north of of Mantua, over to Brigham City. You can see the topo maps (and perhaps make more sense of them than me) at the Stop the Ruby Pipeline Coalition website. A newsgroup ariticle explains the case against the proposed route.
Since it seems that these pipelines seem to be constructed in utility cooridors, I wonder if this is the first step in establishing a new cooridor.
Friday, December 19, 2008
More Snow Vocab
aggro: aggressive
Betty: female snowboarder
crater: to land a jump badly
duck-footed: in a stance when the toes point outward
dude: any person
eggbeater: bad fall
grommet: young snowboarder
huckfest: when riders compete trying to catch bigger and bigger air
Jibber: a freestyle rider
old school: primitive techniques
spew: talk a lot about oneself
Opening Day!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Word of the Day: Pow
Pow: Short for powder, the fluffy white stuff.
Usage: 2008 was an epic pow year.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
New Brew Pub in Logan
I believe the current issue before the city council is a an ordinance change that will allow a brew pub. Then individual proprietors will have to go through the process of opening a new business under the ordinance terms.
The proposal passed. And Mikey's summary of the history of brew eastablishments and prohibition in Logan is pretty interesting.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Daring Baker's Challenge Nov 2008: Candy Lab
Because I thought it would be pretty, I drizzled some of the praline like candy and the caramel sauce over the frosted cupcakes. I was a little overwhelming for the flavor because the cupcakes with frosting were plenty sweet enough all ready.
I loved the idea of making the optional caramels. I made them with cardamom as recommended and then made a batch with lavendar. Both turned out a pull-your-fillings-out consistency, kind of like Sugar Daddies. I think I might should have reduced the cooking temperature because I'm at high altitute. I loved the flavor though of both the cardamom and lavendar. I rolled them in powdered sugar to prevent them from sticking to each other. I forgot to take a picture of that. I would consider wax paper instead of foil in the future, because I ended up with bits of foil stuck to the candy.
Candy Lab: Once the caramels were hard and I realized they weren't a good texture. I tried reheating them in a couple of different ways, adding milk, butter, and soy milk. I did find that they were salvagable. I would cook them with the liquid/fat until bubbling again. I ended up with all range of textures from thick sauce, to burnt hard candy. It was fun to play around.
Here's some picks of the candy in the pan and with a bit of foil stuck:
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Cross Country Skiing
This was only my second time cross-country skiing and the last time was about 8 years ago. I some how completely forgot that a person might need skill for the activity. That quickly became apparent.
The trails that we could get to by crossing the dam were icy, but good practice for a beginner. The snow was nicer on the nature trail (look for the trailhead at the end of the parking lot). Sorry no pics :(
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Ski Swap Tonight and This Weekend
USU Stan Laub Center 1400 N 1000 E Logan, UT
Nov 13 7p-10p
Nov 14 9a-10p
Nov 15 9a-6p
Skis, Snowboards, Boots, Bindings, Poles, Gloves, Hates, Googles, Ski passes and More! All major credit cards accepted.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Growing the Logan Team
The picture above is of of Team Logan's captains and coach recruiting at Logan's First Dam 10k/5k run.
If you'd like fight blood cancer by running the Salt Lake Marathon/Half Marathon or the Country Music Marathon/Half Marathon, it's not too late.
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Phone: (801) 519-6600
Fax: (801) 519-6606
To donate to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society visit my fundraising page.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Annual Nordic United Fundraiser and Membership Party
When: Wednesday, November 12, at 6:00 pm
Where: Cache Valley Learning Center (75 South 400 West)
What: Please help support Nordic United by joining us for an evening of good food, many auction and raffle items, and live music!
Nordic United is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote and provide non-motorized winter recreation opportunities in the Cache Valley area of northern Utah.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Beaver Mountain Ski Patrol Ski Swap
Team in Training 2008-2009
I want to thank all of the people that supported me last year and made our team successful. You donated your own money and passed the word along. It really adds up. I raised over $1700 one donation at a time. 380,000 participants just liked me have raised over $900 million dollars. The research this has funded has greatly increased the survival rate and comfort of cancer patients. But there still isn't a cure, so we keep racing to save lives.
I really need your support in helping to fight blood cancers. Please visit my fundraising page to make a contribution.
Ski 2008-2009
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
Salt Lake Tribune's Hike of the Week
Logan NewComers is hiking White Pine Lake on Sunday, August 3rd. Meet at the Logan Ranger station at 8:00 am to join the goup.
Monday, July 28, 2008
NewComers Article
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Out of the Wilderness
I'm not sure where the right balance lies between protecting the parks and providing access and amenities that make them more enjoyable for more people. I recently noticed for the first time on a hike up Card Canyon that fire roads provide pretty good access for ATVs and 4WD vehicles in the Cache National Forest. One the one hand, it kind of takes away from the hike when you're left in the dust of a dirt bike and realize you aren't as remote as you thought you were. On the other hand, I realized that if my dad made it out in June/July, I would be able to take him into meadows of wildflowers.
BTW, the Card Canyon Hike was on in late June. The Mountain Bluebells were at their peak. On the east side of the loop, we walked through waist high stands of them. The east side trail was also a bit overgrown, but still easy to follow. At the pond (misquito pool), just make sure to walk left toward a dead tree that currently has a pink marker flag.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Richards Hollow
Richard's Hollow starts out from Left Hand Fork in Black Smith Fork Canyon. It goes through a fairly deep canyon before coming out into meadows. There's a nice waterfall near the beginning. You canget to the bottom of it by taking a short steep side trail.
We didn't make it to the top of the trail. We decided to stop for lunch and turn around near a series of Beaver pools. It was very serene. I had no idea that Beavers could have such an impact. There were a series of pools one after another that were quite large.
There were lots of wildflowers blooming. I had bought a field guide for the purpose of identifying them. I hoped that there would be a single comprehensive field guide that would have most of the flowers I was looking for. But I don't think there is such a book. Luckily, the Cache Hikers I was with yesterday were a great resource. They made the hike an enjoyable educational field trip.
I thought the most exciting wildflower find was the Sego Lily, near the trailhead, but we didn't see notice it until we were on our return. There were several on a sunny east facing slope.
List of wildflowers we saw (I didn't take the pictures in the links)
- aster - purple daisy-like
- monkey flower - yellow
- mountain bluebells - these are the ones that are waist
- flax
- sticky geranium - pink, five radically symmetrical petals, maple like leaves
- wild white geranium - look just like the sticky geranium, except white.
- white columbine
- indian paint brush - bright red at top of plant, very distinctive
- scarlet gilia - red tubular flowers on an elongated stem
- horsemint -
- yarrow - clustes of tiny white flowers with fern like leaves
- woodland star - white, dsitinctive shaped petal, I thought it looked like a snowflake
- wild sweet pea -
- cow parsnip - clusters of tiny white flowers look similar to yarrow, but the leaves are very different
- larkspur - purple, also called delphinium
- western salsify - I had been assuming that the giant dandilion puffs around here were from giant dandiloins, but they're from salsify
Friday, July 11, 2008
Black Pearl Fortune
The best part was the genuine fortune cookie. How long has it been since you got a fortune cookie that actually risked making a claim about the future? Mine did. It read: "You deserve respect and you'll have it one day." That's good stuff.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Hiking in Cache Valley: Resources
Cache Valley Hikers: A local group that meets from spring through fall to do various hikes, mostly in Logan Canyon and on the weekends. They post their upcoming events on the Logan Library Events Calendar.
NewComers: Has a hiking interest group.
In DC/Arlington, there were only a couple of "hiking" trails within half an hour of the city. So I'm used to driving over an hour for a good hike. Most of the hiking information above is geared toward hikes right in the Logan area. If someone was looking to explore futher there are trails available off Hwy 36 between Preston and Montpelier, ID. This area has Cache National Forest signs, but there US Forest Service map online shows the boundary at the UT/ID border. Cache Trails shows some trails into the Idaho border including Danish Pass and Sink Hollow. In any case, the proximity of the Logan Canyon hikes makes it tempting to stay local.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Upcoming Newcomer Events
Picnic in the Park
Saturday, June 28th, 5:00-8:00pm
Willow Park, 500 West 700 South
Potluck, BBQ, Zoo, Fish Pond, Playground, Volleyball
Card Canyon Hike
6.5 mi, moderate difficulty
Meet at the Ranger Station, 1500 East Highway 89, Logan,
Sunday, June 29th, 9:00 am
July Book Club
Date: TBD
Book: We Need to Talk About Kevin
July Meet and Greet
Saturday, July 26th, 5:30pm
White Owl, 36 West Center St, Logan
On the deck upstairs
Come celebrate the Newcomers One Year Anniversary!We hosted our first event at the White Owl one year ago
For more information about Logan Newcomers see
Monday, June 23, 2008
The Birds

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Cooking with Lavendar
I've never made scones or cooked with lavendar before. The first time I made them, I was worried that the dough was too dry. I added some extra liquid, thinking that would help it hold together better. Even after adding more liquid and butter, this is what it looked like when I turned it out to knead:
So I decided to make them again with more lavendar. I also saved the lavendar after I separated it form the milk and kneaded it back into the dough. Also, I didn't add as much liquid, just followed the recipe for that. The dough turned out better and the flavor is great. Here's a picture of the final product:
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Temple Fork Sawmill Trail
Look for the sign on the right side of Hwy 89, between Right Hand Fork and Tony Grove. The gate is still closed on Temple Fork Road, so you have to take a gravel road on foot or bike about 2.5-3 miles to the trail head. I would think that the boredom of the road would deter hikers, but there was still some foot traffic. Follow the sign to Spawn Creek Trail Head and look for the Temple Fork Sawmill trail head.
The trail isn’t steep, so I think it would be a pretty mild hike. About two thirds of the way it turned into a bit more technical bike ride. Mudpuppy and I had our most impressive fall to date. Even though it wasn’t too steep, I walked the bike a bit.
At the end, there’s a little sight commemorating the sawmill with a historical marker. Overall, it was a great ride, the perfect amount of difficulty for where I am. Mudpuppy got a bath in the car wash when we were done, so he’s had a pretty good day.
Jardine Juniper Trail
What a difference in the snow pack from May 3rd. The Jardine Juniper Trail is almost entirely dry now. I hiked it yesterday, keeping an eye out for the trail's mountain bike potential. There were at least half a dozen tougher bikers on the trail. Still, I think it’s well beyond my current ability. The scariest part is a wobbly log bridge over some quick water. We saw some bikers just grab their bikes and carry them over it. Yikes! I had to shuffle across real slowly and I still nearly fell. Later in the season, it should be easy to just ride through the water a little down stream of the bridge. Still, even without snow and a wobbly bridge, I won’t be biking up to the Jardine Juniper anytime soon.
It’s 5.2 miles from the trail head to the tree. It’s a pretty steady climb the whole way. It gains over 2000”. The hike isn’t too difficult, but I won’t be taking any lowlander guests. Throw in an elevation factor and it would be dang tough. There are great views all the way up. My friend was playing shutter bug, so I don’t have too many pictures to share.
The word on the trail was to avoid the shady route and take the scenic route (a well marked option near the top) because of mud and snow pack. The scenic route definitely lives up to it's name. There was snow pack on the shady route, but definitely passable on foot (not bike). You can take one heading to the tree and the other going back. They split at the Jardine Juniper sign on the return.
I was quite obsessed with the wild flowers. I had noticed these flowers in Smithfield Canyon last week and then a vendor at the Gardner’s Market who sells local pictures has a picture of one and told me they are glacier lilies. There were plenty of those, mountain bluebells and yellow fritillaria.
That gave me this idea that I should get a field guide for wildflowers and carry it with me. Maybe I could try to see how many I could check off. I went to the Borders today to do that. There were a couple of guides that looked promising, focusing on Utah or the Rockies , but I decided that my test for a book would be whether or not I could find this plant I’m calling snoofpoof (because it looks like it would be in a Dr. Seuss book). No luck. Poor snoofpoof. It looks like the flower elitists don’t value you enough. So I couldn't bring myself to buy one.
The eponymous flora is an old juniper tree growing out of a rock. There seems to be some debate about the age. There is a painted over sign that claims that it is 3200. Reports on the Internet put it between 1500-3200 (can we get a dendrochronologist here?).It’s being touted as the oldest tree in the Rockies.
Update: Snoofpoofs are actually called Waterleaf. I saw one on the Birch Canyon Trail on 6.07 and it was purple instead of white. The Wasatch Bloomers website has a nice index of local wildflowers by color. Unfortunately, it appears that it hasn't been updated in years.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Mud Season Trail Report
Update: May 31. Perhaps because it's been 7 days since the recreation report was updated, but the Jardine Juniper trail is almost completely dry to the split (near the top). Take the scenic route to avoid snow and mud. The snow and mud on the shady route is easy to navigate on foot. I've heard that both Wind Caves and Crimson are plenty dry.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Update on the Park Strip
There may be accomodations made for parking, with each appeal costing $212 and none of the accomodations resulting in park strip parking. Permits may be issued for parallel street parking, costing $200 each. A volunteer group of citizens may be formed as an advisory board on parking decisions that will be made at the individual property level.
For more on the enforcement plan, see the Herald Journal.
Being a Penguin
I would have put it in terms of being a llama, but to each his own.
John Bingham is "The Penguin". He writes for mid/back of the pack runners in runners world and travels around giving pep talks and participating in races.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
May Newcomer Events
See for more details.
Hiking and Hot Tubs
This is going to be a gorgeous sunny weekend with highs in the 70s
Saturday May 17th Day Trip (or camping Friday-Sunday).
A weekend of relaxing, campfires, hot chocolate,marshmallows, short hikes, and soaking your worries away is waiting for you in a tranquil valley an hour north of Logan at Maple Grove Hot Springs.
Indiana Jones - Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Premier
Thursday, May 22nd, 7:00pm Stadium 8 Theatre. Providence
Meet at Casper’s Ice Cream Shop at 6:00pm.
May Book Club
The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing
May 27th, Tuesday, 7:00pm
Newcomer Girls Night Out
Rock climbing at Rock Haus.
Wednesday, June 11, 6:30 pm ** Date change
Cost: $8/person plus $3 for shoes
Monday, May 12, 2008
Adventures of Mudpuppy
So I went down to the Joy Ride and got myself Mudpuppy. He's a Scott Aspect 60. Here's him earning his name on Temple Fork (not quite ready for riding as of May 3). For those not from Utah, there is a fifth season between Winter and Spring called mudseason. I had mud on every part of my body after this ride -- helmet, back, eyeglasses, even in my shorts somehow.
Mudpuppy's other adventures.
Jardine Juniper - May 3 Mudpuppy was so exicted about this ride. He made it about 515 feet. I knew we weren't going to make it when I got of the car and had this view.
Bonneville Shoreline Trail April 26 - before the mud.
Green Canyon May 11
Here's a good list of mountain bike trails in the Logan area; unfortunately a lot of the details aren't filled in:
Local Matters: The Park Strip

Friday, April 11, 2008
House Parties
Microsoft Plea
Was this really necessary? This is why people like those Mac/PC comercials. Off to shoot out another email on downloading the compatability pack...
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Local Drinking Song
So unexpected. Particularly for a school that hosts root beer pong.
More beer for old Utah State
Bring on the whiskey, we drink it straight
Send somebody after gin don’t let a sober person in
We may stagger, but we never fall
We sober up on wood alcohol
And when we’re through we’ll burn the hall
For the glory of Utah
StateRaw, raw, raw.
Spring on the Way

Monday, January 21, 2008
Team in Training Party

Date: Sunday, January 27th, 2008
Time: 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Tickets: $25 for one ticket, 2 for $40
$15 with student ID, 2 for $25
$5 for children under 8 yrs old
*****Special prices for families!****
Entrance tickets include:
•All you can eat pizza and pasta buffet
•One raffle ticket
•Silent Auction
•Soda’s with free refills
Raffle Prizes ….
Gift certificates: Le Nonne’s
Lift Tickets: Beaver Ski Resort
Many more fabulous prizes!!!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Book Club - Life of Pi

I went to the Newcomer's book club tonight. I was glad that it finally got me to finish Life of Pi, which I had started and put down in the summer. I used to love literature class in high school, but I've been on a slow decline in my appreciation of higher fiction. It was good to not only finish a book outside of the Harry Potter series, but to be forced to think more deeply about some of the concepts - not too deep though and I sure don't feel like righting any papers.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Ski Report
It's not done either. Check out the ski report.
Logan Forecast: Nothing but snow.
Beav Snow Report
Beav Forecast